Plum Island: A brown pelican that was seen at Plum Island on June 17 made a reappearance on June 29. Other birds seen in the area included 20 northern gannets, 28 great egrets, 28 snowy egrets, 32 turkey vultures, 18 piping plovers, 53 willets, 65 least terns, one black tern, 640 common terns, 16 eastern kingbirds, five purple martins, 10 marsh wrens, 51 saltmarsh sparrows, and 35 bobolinks. Provincetown: Reports from Race Point included six black-legged kittiwakes, 22 Bonaparte's gulls, two little gulls, a Franklin's gull, two black terns, 20 roseate terns, 600 common terns, a royal tern, and a Sandwich tern.